Bailey Lewis, Digital Content Strategy Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader

Bailey Lewis leads audiences on a journey to discover the power of human-focused digital content strategy to drive business, build relationships, and shape the very world around us.

As seen on stages with:

Bailey has given her signature presentations for leading industry and recognized international organizations, including the following highlighted stages.

United States Senate Seal
University of South Carolina Logo
Booking Manager Summit Logo
World Usability Day Logo
Techlahoma Logo
International Association of Business Communicators South Carolina

Bailey poses for a photo in the United States Senate Press Room after delivering a workshop presentation to Senate staff.

Meet Bailey Lewis

Bailey Lewis takes attendees on stages around the globe on a journey of how to remain human-focused and thoughtful in the ways we communicate with other humans as we navigate an increasingly digital world, in both business and life.

In addition to inspiring and educating audiences on stages for the United States Senate, the University of South Carolina, UXPA International, World Usability Day, and more, Bailey is an award-winning author and long-time communications advisor whose ideas have been published by Adobe, Progress, The CMO, and other highly regarded platforms.

Over the years, Bailey has become known for her human-focused approach to communications and content that drives business results and improves the world around us. Her approach is rooted in her unique combination of long-held expertise in storytelling, user experience, content strategy, and business communications—digital and otherwise.

She brings the full range of this expertise to her presentations, drawing on thousands of case studies from her career to give audiences the tools and inspiration they need to remain relevant, competitive, and inspired in any market, in any business future, with any emerging technology.

Book Bailey for your next event to show your attendees how they can make their corner of the digital world a better place not only for business, but for all humans involved.

Watch Select Presentations

Association of Talent Development (ATD)
South Carolina, USA

Booking Manager Summit
Zagreb, Croatia

Keynotes & General Sessions

Communicating Human-to-Human in a World of Robots

Themes for adopting artificial intelligence technology in a human way, to give your attendees the competitive edge and inspiration they’re looking for in how our AI reality relates to their work and life. This presentation uncovers fresh ways to explore new and emerging technology to understand its limitations, abilities, and possibilities for work and life—now and into the future.

Interactive, high-value, and downright fun. Bailey’s specialty is in hosting the most un-presentationy presentations you’ve ever experienced.

Becoming a Digital Accessibility Ally

At least 1 in 5 people worldwide have some form of disability. Give your audience the opportunity to be the one in their market that serves this under-represented yet enormous audience by understanding the ins and outs of digital accessibility compliance practices for business communications.

Clicks and Eyeballs Are Not Enough: How Top Marketing Teams Optimize Customer Experience After Click Through

An interactive, open-discussion session unpacking what it takes to create excellent, full-journey content experiences. Steal top pointers for your own work through real-world examples, case studies, and the latest research studies.

Strategic Storytelling: Communicating Impact to Decision-Makers and Higher-Ups ~*NEW!

Audience members learn to tell the story of their work, brand, and vision through their own favorite stories found in movies, books, and popular culture.

Perfect for attendees who want to learn to make their impact understood by other business stakeholders—from interdisciplinary department colleagues to external partners to C-suite decision-makers.

The Best-Kept Psychology Secrets Behind the World’s Most Successful Business Content

Take your attendees on a discussion-based adventure into what makes the very best digital content so dang good for increasing customer interactions and business transactions online, and walk away with tactics for creating gold-standard content just like the most loved brands in the digital world.

Human-Focused Communications Careers

Help your event attendees explore the various human-focused content careers available to them, and give them hands-on practice to see if digital content strategy is a path they may enjoy.

*Eligible for student presentations.

99 Bottles of Tech on the Wall

~*The Most Fun Business Communications Presentation You’ve Ever Booked

A 100% interactive, totally submersive, never-the-same presentation that you have to schedule right before happy hour.

Bailey delivers her keynote “Human-to-Human Communications in a World of Robots: Our Responsibility to People on Both Sides of the Screen” at CHPRMS annual conference.

“99 Bottles of Tech on the Wall was my favorite presentation of the whole conference.”

— Attendee, CHPRMS Annual Conference (Carolinas Healthcare Public Relations & Marketing Society)

“Bailey’s keynote was the most comprehensive presentation on AI and communications I’ve seen.”

— Attendee, CHPRMS Annual Conference (Carolinas Healthcare Public Relations & Marketing Society)

Bailey Lewis on stage at Booking Manager Summit in Croatia

Bailey on stage before her keynote presentation at Booking Manager Summit

“The feedback from the attendees was amazing—we all loved Bailey’s presentations! On the top of it all, she was a real delight to work with.”

— Event Organizer, Booking Manager Summit

Still of Bailey Lewis speaking

Bailey speaks about harnessing the untapped power of words in digital content.

“Digital content strategy is something that is so essential, yet not deeply and broadly understood by product teams (even at a company as progressive as we are at Google!) I appreciate the efforts Bailey puts forward to educate and elevate the level of stakeholder understanding and appreciation for the field.”

— Attendee, UXPA International

Book Bailey to Speak

Now booking for late summer 2024 and beyond.

Speaking Fee

Bailey’s speaking fee for ticketed conferences and events starts at $3,000 and is negotiated based on a number of factors. Any travel and accommodation expenses are covered by the event.

2024 Speaking Calendar

(currently booking for summer 2024 and beyond)

February 28: Content for the People Mastery Class
Special monthly class topic: Content inventories & evaluations

March 20: Future-Ready Content Workshop
Special quarterly topic: The “F pattern” in content presentation

March 27: Content for the People Mastery Class
Special monthly class topic: Emotions in digital content

April 2: University of South Carolina, College of Information and Communications
Content Careers for Humans

April 24: Content for the People Mastery Class
Special monthly class topic: Social media content strategy

May 29: Content for the People Mastery Class
Special monthly class topic: Content ideas & inspiration

June 10: PGS 2024
Strategic Storytelling: Communicating Impact to Decision-Makers and Higher-Ups

June 20: Future-Ready Content Workshop
Special quarterly topic: Memory & content psychology

Summer 2024: TBA, private event
“Becoming a Digital Accessibility Ally”

2023 Calendar

November 15: IABC + PRSA Connect 2023 
”Becoming a Digital Accessibility A11Y”

October 18-20: CHPRMS Annual Conference (Carolinas Healthcare PR & Marketing Society)
Keynote: “Communicating Human-to-Human in a World of Robots: Our Responsibility to People on Both Sides of the Screen”
General Session: “99 Bottles of Tech on the Wall”

September 27: Private Event
"Communicating Human-to-Human in a World of Robots: Our Responsibility to People on Both Sides of the Screen”

August 24: UX South Carolina
Panel: “Empowering UX Through Real Content Strategy”

June 16: Association of Talent Development
”The Best-Kept Psychology Secrets Behind the World’s Most Successful Business Content”

“Walking away from Bailey’s workshop set everyone up for success. She was able to do that for our team and for that we are greatly appreciative. I hope we make her proud!!”

— Event Organizer, United States Senate Staff

Bailey speaks about harnessing the full power of words in digital content

“Bailey truly is the content QUEEN.”

— Event Organizers, IABC/SC

“Bailey’s presentation was especially relevant to our work.”

— Attendee, UXPA International

“I’d never thought about our content like that before!”

— Attendee, Booking Manager Summit

What attendees say about past events

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